Swimming Superstar Joe Schooling Taken To Task For His Fling With Mary Jane

Gold medalist swimmers Joseph Schooling and Amanda Lim

In late August 2022, news of Joseph Schooling, the Olympic butterfly golden boy of Little Red Dot coming clean on his weed indulgence in Thailand, and the furore that ensued prompted the following rhyme.

—The Rime Of Joe Getting Schooled—

They say curiosity kills the cat, but satisfaction brings it back.

The young buck that experiments here & there, keeps the human soul from care.

But the caterpillar on the leaf, repeats to thee thy parental grief: vape not, drug not, let me worry not.

To be in a natatory passion you good may do, but no good if a pot passion is in you.

They who think smoking pot is cool need be duly schooled.

Some would glibly quip reefer is just harmless recreational drug.

But for many it’s the gateway to potent, addictive, hallucinogenic bug.

When this we rightly know, thro’ the world we safely go.

So now the bleat, the bark, bellow n roar, are waves beating on Schooling’s shore.

To be 6-month pee tested does truly suck — a real royal pain in the butt.

And should there be further weakness for Mary Jane, every fiber in the brain shall scream shame.

At 27, more medal potential isn’t far-fetched out of hand; revivify and show you ain’t no flash in the pan.

Meantime there’s need to make amends, with fences to mend; and to that one and all will say amen.


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